Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meet Farmer Bob

Okay so your probably wondering what/who is Farmer Bob, well Farmer Bob is my peanut friend who I drew 2 years ago after a science experiment at the beach I also drew his family Farmer Bob's Wife, Jenny, Craig and Baby Bob! but I won't write a post all about him I just thought you ought to know!

Well incase you forgot to check out The Babylonian Chronicles here is the link www.thebabylonianchronicles.blogspot.com !!!!!!!!!!! Please do check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Legend of Zelda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is an awesome game which is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well the 1st one is called Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and is on the Nintendo 64, I can not describe the game to you as i will talk about it for 5 pages long!!!!!!!!!!! The next is Legend of Zelda: The Majora's Mask which I have never played but is also on the Nintendo 64 (both those are on the computer too)!!!!!!!!!!! You have probably heard of the one on the DS but it is gay!!!!!!!! The most recent is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (it came out before twilight so don't worry it's not about vampires) and I am currently playing that!!!!!!!!! They are all awesome and all have different story lines which, yes, are all awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also I'd just like to mention a concert I recently went to, the band is called Nine Sons of Dan check them out on Youtube cause they are sooooooooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes I am a Gleek and I do sing along depending on the song. I wish my school had a Glee club but I guess I'll have to settle with choir we are currently singing Gonna Build a Mountain, Hallelujah and Amazing Grace, Hallelujah is so awesome because the Alto's (that's me) sing and it sounds kinda haunted but really sweet!

Btw sorry about the wait....


LadyNansei said...

Legend of Zelda!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hannahbelle :D said...

i'm a gleek too! hey jane, we should so start our own gleek group! i've never played legend of zelda but it sounds really cool (:

Jane said...

We should create our own Gleek group, Be seen as you don't watch it anymore you canit join! :P

LadyNansei said...

I watched it before and they were doing Justin Biever. So. Regreted. That. And then I watched that drinking one. So. Regreted. That.

Natallie said...

I've actually played Ocarina of Time on the computer along with other old but lovely games. I've never completed it, however I did play Majora's Mask and finished it. One of my friend's have Twilight Princess, she wont let me play it though because she's mean.

Natallie said...

You have a Storyblog! I've read the babylonian chronciles but I didn't know you had a seperate one. Must read.