We all have dreams whether they're big or small, with dreams we either blurt out so the whole wide world can hear or we keep them a secret, those dreams the ones that are your hearts desires you want someone to notice but then again you don't because what if you fail or you don't get what you want in the end. Those dreams you really should tell someone even if don't want to, but I'm being a hypocrite I have many big dreams they mighten mean much to someone but they mean the world to me, people might even say they're ridiculous that'll never happen but in my heart I really don't care what they say. There is only one person I want to tell it to because she'll support me, she won't laugh and she won't tell anyone and right now i feel as though she is my only true friend.
But enough about me and those dreams, you know the other knid the ones you have when you go to sleep. They can be loads of fun, embarrasing, scary or down right stupud there the ones me and my friends always talk about, one of them always has the most awesomest dreams and I always want to know them, but I guess everyones dreams are awesometo me cause every dream I have turns into a nightmare. I know this isn't going to sound scary but trust me it is. I'm at the plyground in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I'm toy size, it's the middle of the night and I'm running for my life because (wait for it) Woody, Buzz and Zurg are aftter me (you know the characters of Toy Story and all my friends and family are running with me. they all die in the end and im left hiding all on my lonesome... anyway the point of telling you that was really nothing just to say i have this same dream once a month scince I was 9.
But dreams are cool they're the only things that keep you living and if you want to you can leave a dream in the commentsbut I really love dreams and so should you. Thx for taking your own time to read this probably boring post! Oh if your wondering about the pic it's just a random pic from good old google. Sweet Dreams!